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khaos theory


most of the images on this cd are computer-generated views of the mandlebrot set. the front is more zoomed-out and the back is more zoomed-in. i can't remember if i made the back purple or if i got it that way, but the front i just cropped square and put some text on. the track list on the back uses 3 fonts for three sort-of divisions of musical genre on this cd.

i decided to do something different with this cd. instead of collecting a group of songs that all had a certain sound, i did more of an electronic progression, starting with synthpop and moving through house to industrial, with house of wires to relax you by calming things down again. this cd, like most of my electronic music cds, blends practically every track together. i was very pleased with how this compilation came out overall, although as always there was a song or two i wish i would've left out and found one i like better.

  1. kaboing — “thoughts”
  2. the echoing green — “thief”
  3. color theory — “stare out the window”
  4. red sector one — “child of god”
  5. circle of dust — “mesmerized”
  6. moby — “natural blues”
  7. dance house children — “a cottage song”
  8. prodigal sons — “hunger”
  9. chemical brothers — “not another drugstore”
  10. jyradelix — “invincible (life mix)”
  11. klank — “penetrate (ghetto dance mix)”
  12. level — “she: backslide”
  13. situation taboo — “belief”
  14. massivivid — “gripped”
  15. nine inch nails — “gave up”
  16. culturewhore — “abducted (kick your mix)”
  17. aleixa — “pacify me”
  18. house of wires — “violin”

how do you like it?