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cover, pencil, sketch deviantart

i drew this cover in 1997 for a mix tape of what i thought of as hard rock. it features a guy screaming and a sort of a cross between barbed wire and czech hedgehog tank barriers border around the messy title “scream.”

  1. blackball — “not the way i want it to be”

  2. mxpx — “andrea”

  3. every day life — “love lies”

  4. the crucified — “i'm not a christian punk”

  5. grammatrain — “wake up”

  6. plankeye — “placement”

  7. dc talk — “day by day”

  8. mxpx — “friends with you”

  9. pfr — “last breath”

  10. blackball — “super heavy dreamscape”

  11. newsboys — “lights out”

  12. every day life — “perserverence”

  13. ninety pound wuss — “perserverance”

  14. poor old lu — “i am no good”

  15. audio adrenaline — “let love”

  16. king's x — “go to hell”

  17. ninety pound wuss — “girl song”

  18. mxpx — “one way window”

  19. nine inch nails — “gave up”

  20. grammatrain — “sick of will”

  21. every day life — “e colli”

  22. newsboys — “cup o' tea”

  23. supernova — “vitamins”

  24. mxpx — “inquiring minds want to know”

  25. they might be giants — “stomp box”

  26. every day life — “dis”

  27. audio adrenaline — “we're a band”

  28. l. s. underground — “she says”

  29. dig hay zoose — “dad song”

  30. plankeye — “so far from home”

  31. room full of circles — “in the spirit of giving”

  32. mxpx — “misunderstanding”

how do you like it?